If you are wondering how many numbers in USPS tracking receipt or file, you should be looking at the different kinds of services.
Keep in mind that the international coverage comes in various services and they will have different formats of numbers.
So, if you want to know the exact digits within the tracking numbers, you should also familiarize yourself with the different types of services.
Understanding the Concept
In most cases, it is the international coverage services that come with the tracking numbers. They, after all, are designed to reach far away destinations so it is considered important to be able to track them down.
Before you are asking yourself about how many numbers in USPS tracking receipt, know that there are different international services, such as the Express Mail, the Global Express Mail, and the Global Express Guaranteed.Read USPS Express Mail Delivery Time
These are the services with tracking number feature only and you should buy it when sending out your packages.
So, how is the division? And how many numbers in USPS tracking?
- The Global Express (the outbound type) has 9 digits of numbers with two letters on the front and US letter on the back. The beginning letter is usually an E, and there is another letter. You can find the number on the right area on the upper corner, right under the bar code. For instance, EG 111 111 111 US
- The Global Express (the inbound type) also has 9 digits of numbers with two letters on the front and two letters on the back, stating the origin. You can find the number on the right area on the upper corner, under the bar code. For instance, EG 111 111 111 HK
- The Express Mail has the similar implementation of the numbers like the outbound Global Express. So, you should expect something like EG 111 111 111 US. The location is the same
- The Global Express Guaranteed only has 10 digits of numbers without any letter. You can find it on the lower right area of your receipt. For instance, 95 111 111 95