USPS customer service email Address to Contact

USPS customer service email Address to Contact – United States Postal Service (USPS) can be reached by their customer through phone and email. USPS customer service email Address is

If you have any complaints about the delivery or tracking system, or only want to ask about how to send your package to a certain place, or ask them any information related to USPS, then you can send them email at that address.

You will get reply email from USPS customer service, soon after you send the email. For ordering large amount of package delivery and stamps, you can contact USPS at This email is intended for large amount delivery, which mostly related to a business need.

USPS customer service email Address to Contact

Based on the discussion forum, USPS customer service email will give fast reply in work hour during weekdays. While in the weekend, the officer will delay to give reply until Monday morning during work hour. In that discussion forum also mentioned that a customer had never get any replied from USPS.

It might because USPS get many email from their customers, which made them unable to reply those email one by one. Then, some email must be missed to be replied. In this case, it is better to find other way to contact USPS.

If you have sent email to USPS customer service email Address and still not get any replies from USPS, it is better to contact them by phone to the customer care. After dialing the number, you will talk to automatic answering machine.

What you need to do is pressing 0 to connect with operator. Then you can ask them about your problem in delivery or asking them several services.

You can also come to USPS office nearby your area, in order to process fast respond from USPS officer, especially if it is related to big problem like your important package have missed through USPS delivery.

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