Where to Find Tracking Number on USPS Receipt

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where to find tracking number on USPS receipt. The detailed information about the shipment can always be found on the receipt, including the tracking number.

In the event that something is wrong with your shipment and you are required to contact the staff at the USPS responsible for the shipment, there is also the contact information and number.

So, it should be easy to find the information on the receipt about the tracking number.

Where to Find Tracking Number on USPS Receipt

Where to Find Tracking Number on USPS Receipt

Finding the information about the tracking number is fairly easy as everything is written in a detailed manner there. Find a written format: Label # and you will find the information.Related Posts USPS com Tracking Number The Function of the Number

There should be 20 digits or 22 digits, max. The least digit is around 10 digits or 13 digits, but it depends on the type of service.

When you find the format Label #, the number is written directly below the written word. If you type in the numbers in the official USPS website, it should give you the detailed shipment info. So, you now know where to find tracking number on USPS receipt.

However, different people have different experience too. The previous information is available from a different experience from several users while there are other experiences from other users where the form of their receipt is somewhat more ‘sophisticated’.

In this type of receipt, you should be able to see a barcode with the receipt looking like a parking stub. Under the barcode, you will see series of numbers.

For those who have received such a receipt, the number underneath the barcode is the tracking number.Related Posts USPS Tracking Phone Number The Usage

It is not the number with the words Electronic Rate Approved # but the numbers above those words. So, the question about where to find tracking number on USPS receipt should be easily answered by now, right?

The Final Conclusion

In the end, finding the information of where to find tracking number on USPS receipt is quite easy, right? There are two possibilities to find the tracking number: it is either underneath the barcode (for the barcode receipt type) or the one with the word Label #.Related Posts USPS.com Tracking Number The Online Search

Either way, you should be able to find such a tracking number if you are using the official service. After all, the number is designed to help customers like you to track the shipment so it shouldn’t give you any trouble – but it should help you, instead.

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