USPS Missing Package Says Delivered

USPS Missing Package Says Delivered – What should you do when USPS missing package says delivered? It’s not only confusing, but also nerve-wrecking and that apply for the sender and the recipient.

Sometimes everything can be out of control, let it alone there are several factors that affect the delivery process.

Instead of blaming  the carrier or the sender of the package, in case that you are the recipient, below are things to know when the package is missing, yet it says delivered,

  1. Verify the current status of your package.
  2. Submit the search request for the missing package.

Figure out the latest information about your package, ensure that you verify the current status of your package.

Probably there is some information such as late delivery and so on. And guess what? In a very rare occasion the confirmation of delivery is published when the package is at its transit location.

USPS Missing Package Says Delivered

USPS Missing Package Says Delivered

If you are sure that your package is missing as it isn’t showing within seven business days, if you are the recipients, directly contact the sender and tell them about USPS missing package says delivered.

Your sender then will request the package search. Commonly to start the investigation of the USPS missing package, you have to provide,Related posts UPS Package Didn’t Arrive On Delivery Date

  • The address of the sender and also the recipient.
  • Pictures of the package, thus the package can be easily identified.
  • The type and the size of the shipment.
  • Package tracking number.
  • The description of the package such as the content description and more.

After all of the necessary information is completed, submit the information. The time of the search request for package search is received..

USPS will notify you through email and continuously will update the status of the missing package. When it comes to missing package investigation, there are two possibilities,

  • When the missing package is found, USPS will immediately send back the package to the supposed destination.
  • For certain circumstance, the package can’t be delivered for safety matter, or it can’t be traced.

In the case that the missing package is impossible to be found, another option that is left for you, first, you can request refund, and second, you can file a claim. However, there are some requirements to bear in mind,Related posts UPS Package Delivered To Wrong Address

  • You only can request refund, if you use such a service like money-back guarantee.
  • File a claim is possible when the package is insured.

When USPS missing package says delivered, in most time the missing package is not missing, but is relocated in certain place that is safer.

So check beforehand your surrounding, you can also ask your neighbor about it. Or else, someone irresponsible grabs the package when you aren’t at home.

Every time the driver successfully drops the package to the shipping address, they will give you some short note about the relocation of the package or another information related to the package.

Did you write the address properly? Confirm first the shipping address for the reason that the package is probably sent to the wrong address.Related posts When UPS Says Delivered But No Package Amazon, What Should You Do?

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